A Survey of Some Insect Pests Associated with Juglans regia L. (Juglandaceae) From Kashmir, India

Author Details

Shaziya Gull, Abdul Lateef Khanday, Tariq Ahmad and Abdul Ahad Buhroo

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Published: 2 April 2019 | Article Type :


The aim of the present study was to document some insect pests associated with Juglans regia L. Juglandaceae from Kashmir, India. During the survey period (first week of April 2017 to last week of October 2017), nine species of insect pests, such as, Apodiphus pilipes Horvath, 1889,Chaetoprocta odata Hewitson, 1865, Chromaphis juglandicola Kaltenbach, 1843, Erschoviella musculana Erschoff, 1874, Megacoelum stramineum Walker, 1873, Myllocerus fotedari Ahmad, 1974, Panaphis juglandis Goeze, 1778, Paracopium cingalensis Walker, 1873 and Scolytus nitidus Schedl, 1936 were found to infest walnut trees. Brief diagnoses and feeding activity of all aforementioned pests have been provided, and, therefore, has a great relevance in development of ecological pest management strategies in the walnut orchards.

Keywords: Survey, Juglans regia, Diagnoses, Feeding Activity, Kashmir.

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How to Cite


Shaziya Gull, Abdul Lateef Khanday, Tariq Ahmad and Abdul Ahad Buhroo. (2019-04-02). "A Survey of Some Insect Pests Associated with Juglans regia L. (Juglandaceae) From Kashmir, India." *Volume 3*, 2, 1-7